Well the week starts again, after a very relaxing child free weekend our house looks like a tornado has payed us a visit or should I say a 3 and a 1 year old. My god you really do forget how easy and chilled out life is before having children, saying that I was so excited to see them when my Dad and his Partner dropped them off but for all of about five minutes haha, no not really I was lost with out the kids wasn't sure what to do with myself.
Any way back to reality, I've just bought a spray tan unit second hand off my sisters friend so am going to start spay tanning from home when I can fit it in around the kids, will hopefully help out with the bills and will give me a chance to meet a few people and have adult conversations, i'm really looking forward to my little business, Tanning and a little Hairdressing on the side, Fingers crossed it all goes to plan.
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