Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Satyananda Yoga

Last night was my second time at Satyananda Yoga, I have never done Yoga before but was really excited to go for my second lesson. Satyananda Yoga originated from India 5000 years ago, like most sorts of Yoga it's an ancient philosophy and science of the mind and body, Wow I have never been good at meditating and being able to switch off but Jill my teacher has the most calming, relaxing voice, I'm still not great at it but I'll get there as I'm told you have to learn the art of meditating. The Physical side of it was actually quite strenuous even though I'm quite fit and exercise 5 times a week it also showed me I'm really not flexible either so will definitely sort me out in that department. I got home at about 9pm last night from the class, normally I'm a terrible sleeper but last night I slept so sound, all I can say is I can't wait for my lesson next week and would recommend it to anyone, roll on Monday x

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